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Shure pg288/pg58 vocal wireless system

УБ — Сүхбаатар, Дөлгөөн нуур
Нийтэлсэн: 2024-10-28 17:57 Зарын дугаар: 7833258
Shure pg288/pg58 vocal wireless system-1 Shure pg288/pg58 vocal wireless system-2

Shure PG288/PG58 Dual Vocal Wireless System

-ажиллагаа хэвийн

-PG58 Vocal Wireless -1ш

-Shure PG288 receiver -1ш

-Адаптер -1ш


•Reliable wireless performance

•Up to 8 compatible systems (across multiple bands)

•Shure’s patented Predictive Diversity ensures continuous reception

•Confident, portable setup

•Internal Antenna

•First in the industry

•Internal 1/4 wave antennas minimize poor positioning and breakage

•Durable construction

•Superior sound quality

•Variable companding ratio for clear sound

•80 years of microphone expertise

•PG88 Receiver

•Internal Antenna Diversity

•Up to 10 selectable channels

•8 compatible systems (multiple bands vary per country)

•1/4 in. and XLR output

•PG58 Handheld Transmitter

•Power, mute and battery status LED

•Power and mute switch

•9V battery (included) provides 8 hours of battery life

•75m (250 ft.) operating range

Technical Info

•Working Range: 75m (250 ft.) Note: actual range depends on RF signal absorption, reflection, and interference.

•Audio Channel Response: Minimum: 45 Hz. Maximum: 15 kHz (overall system channel depends on microphone element).

•Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.5%, typical Ref. +/– 33 kHz deviation, 1 kHz tone

•Dynamic Range: >100 dB A-weighted, typical

•Operating Temperature Range: -18°C (0°F) to +57°C (+135°F) Note: battery characteristics may limit this range

•Transmitter Audio Polarity: Positive pressure on microphone diaphragm (or positive voltage to tip of WA302 phone plug) produces positive voltage on pin 2 (with respect to pin 3 of low impedance output) and the tip of the high impedance 1/4-inch output.

•PG2 Handheld Transmitter

•Audio Input Level: +2 dBV maximum at -10dB position -8 dBV maximum at 0dB position

•Gain Adjustment Range: 10dB

•RF Transmitter Output: 10 mW typical (dependent on applicable country regulations)

•Dimensions: 223.52 L x 53.34 Dia. (8.8 in. x 2.10 in.)

•Weight: 218 grams (7.7 oz.) without battery

•Housing: Molded ABS handle and battery cup

•Power Requirements:

One 9V alkaline or rechargeable battery

•Battery Life: >8 hours (alkaline)

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