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Msi z790 gaming pro wifi motherboard

УБ — Сүхбаатар, Дөлгөөн нуур
Нийтэлсэн: 2024-11-13 19:40 Зарын дугаар: 8429889
Msi z790 gaming pro wifi motherboard

USA-s irsen tsoo shine

BIOS update may be required when used with some 14th generation Intel Core processors, visit MSI support website for more information

Latest DDR5 Memory: A huge step of DDR performance enhancement with the latest DDR5 memory and MSI Memory Boost technology

Lightning Gen4 Solution: The latest Gen4 PCI-E and M.2 solution with up to 64GB/s bandwidth for maximum transfer speed

Triple M.2 Connectors: Onboard 3x M.2 connectors with PCIe 4.0 solution, strengthened by M.2 Shield Frozr.

2.5G Plus Gigabit LAN: Onboard 2.5G plus Gigabits LAN deliver the better online network experience without lag.

Wi-Fi 6E: The latest wireless solution supports 6GHz spectrum, MU-MIMO

and BSS color technology, delivering speeds up to 2400Mbps

Extended Heatsink Design: MSI extended PWM heatsink and enhanced circuit design ensures even high-end processors to run in full speed

M.2 Shield FROZR: Strengthened built-in M.2 thermal solution. Keeps M.2 SSDs safe while preventing throttling, making them run faster

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