Wacom cintiq 12wx 12-inch pen display

America-aas avsan, baga zereg khergelsen, bukh ajillagaa kheviin barag shineeree Wacom Cintiq 12WX 12-Inch Pen Display zarna. PC & MAC computer-d kholboj baigaad shuud delgets deeree zuraad ajilna. Uzegnii uzuur ni 1024 tuvshnii daralt medregchtei tul changa darakhaar buduun, zuulen darkhaar budeg garna. Mun uzegnii khoid taliig ni balluuraar ashiglaad zursan yumaa arilgakh bolomjtoi.
Finger-sensitive Touch Strips and ExpressKeys
Scratch-resistant glass surface
Native Resolution WXGA (1280 x 800)
Additional Features
Using the pen directly on screen takes advantage of natural hand-eye coordination and provides the feel of natural media, but with all the benefits of a completely digital workflow.
With "pen-point" accuracy, fast cursor control, and 1,024 levels of pressure-sensitivity on the pen tip and eraser, Wacom pen technology gives you superior control over your workflow.
The Display Toggle offers increased flexibility in multiple-monitor environments allowing you to easily switch between screens or maximize pen control on different displays.
Ten programmable ExpressKeys provide quick access to modifier keys, keyboard shortcuts, and pop-up menus.
Two finger-sensitive Touch Strips serve as natural ways to zoom, scroll, or change brush size.
The Grip Pen has a contoured, cushioned barrel to reduce grip effort by 40 percent.
A smooth, flat surface allows your hand to glide easily over the display while a sloped bezel on the front and sides provides a comfortable rest for your palm.
Thin, light, and durable, the Cintiq 12WX offers a pen-on-screen experience that rivals a pen-on-paper experience.
Included in the Cintiq 12WX package:
Cintiq 12WX Pen Display
Video Control Unit
Grip Pen
Pen Stand
Five Replacement Pen Nibs (three standard nibs, one felt nib and one stroke nib)
Video Control Unit
DVI, VGA, USB, and Power Cables
Power Adapter
User Manual
Installation CD (includes Wacom driver software and electronic software manual)
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